Introducing Nomadbase
The new home of Webworktravel, Nomad Entrepreneurs, Homebase Global & The Global Digital Nomad Network
Sign-up to join the Nomadbase Community and receive travel deals, community deals and more.
Find out how we’re bringing back old projects to life by starting Nomadbase.
In case you've been following us over the last years, you know that besides launching Nomad Cruise we've also spent a lot of time experimenting with other nomad projects:
Webworktravel - A travel guide and blog for digital nomads and the first project I’ve started and led to the creation of the Global Nomad Network.
Global Digital Nomad Network - A digital nomad community with over 56.000 members.
Homebase Global - Creating a shared community and learning experience for remote workers in new cities.
Work & Travel Club - A membership community that meets in different places but unfortunately had to be cancelled due to Covid :(
Nomad Entrepreneurs Club - An online membership community that helps nomadic entrepreneurs grow.
The projects were very different, but the goal was the same:
Help nomads create more meaningful relationships and accelerate their growth personally and in business.
Over the last months we've been thinking a lot about how we can create better synergies and unite all projects under one brand.
The answer is called Nomadbase!
Nomadbase is going to be a membership community that will make it a lot easier to connect in beautiful destinations, build lasting relationships and grow an online business through collaboration and learning.
We will have global chapters similar to Homebase Global and the Work & Travel club and also include a learning academy as we’ve been building it with the Nomad Entrepreneurs club.
Some parts will be available for in the Global Digital Nomad Network and others will become part of the paid membership.To make it even easier, everything is going to be called Nomadbase. The place where nomads meet, connect and grow :)
Nomadbase is still in the making and you will have the chance to become one of the founding members. Sign up above to find out even more.
Special bonus for new subscribers
The new Nomad Hotspots Guide for 2021