Choosing your destinations is one of the most exciting parts of planning your trip.
Ideally, you should choose a destination that offers three things:

1) Great value for money

There are a lot of fantastic places in the world but, unfortunately, such places tend to become expensive once the odd package tourist who only vacations 2 weeks a year discovers them. Ideally, you want to find those places that still haven‘t made it onto the mainstream radar or are so huge, they offer something for everyone.

2) Lots of great things to do
What’s the point in taking your freelance business around the world, if you don’t use your spare time wisely? Ideally, you’ll want to visit destinations that have a lot to offer, enabling you to use your spare time for exploration or learning new languages or types of sport. By the way, having some things to look forward to after work will usually motivate you to get things done even faster.

3) Good infrastructure
If you want to make some money, while travelling the world, it is important to spend most of your time in destinations where you’ll find the right infrastructure to get things done. Ideally, there should be some co-working spaces, a good selection of cafes and hotels with free Wi-Fi. A big plus for your motivation is to visit destinations with many like-minded people.

Other important factors when choosing your destinations

Cost of living
For many people choosing destinations that offer  low cost of living while providing high quality of life at the same time  is one of the most important factors when heading to a new destination. All the destinations in the guide have been carefully researched and selected to ensure it is possible to enjoy a good quality of life for around $1,000 per month.

Destinations are not equally good all year round. While some are perfect to be visited in low season, others are simply too cold if you don’t visit at the right time of year.

What language is spoken on location? Is it going to be easy to get around without knowing the local language or is it necessary to learn the basics?

Time zone
Are you communicating with your clients regularly? In that case, it is important to choose a destination where you won‘t have to get up in the middle of the night to chat to your clients because of shifting time zones.

Work environment
What kind of work environment do you need to get your work done? Will a simple Wi-Fi connection be sufficient or do you prefer to work in a real co-working space?

The people
People make a place is a popular saying. That’s why you should know who is hanging out in your preferred destination. Will you be meeting a lot of expats, backpackers or possibly  a lot of people who work online just like you?

The WEBWORKTRAVEL GUIDE includes over 70 detailed, low budget destination descriptions from around the world offering perfect infrastructure to get your work done while having the time of your life.

  • They have been selected according to the above mentioned points.
  • Read the regional overviews on the cost of living so it’s less likely that you’ll exceed your budget.
  • A regional overview on when to go where helps you to decide where to start your journey.
  • It also includes a summary with some of the top choice destinations based on interest so you know what the
  • A quick overview will help you to find the best destinations to learn languages, diving, meet like-minded people and a lot more.