Don’t feel like spending winter time in Berlin?
If you work online and only communicate with clients via e-mail or phone, you can easily move your office wherever you want in the world. Of course it’s not that easy, but it’s possible!
How about spending time somewhere warmer? Think Spain, Thailand, Bali, South Africa, Mexico or another amazing destination?
All you need to do is rent out your flat on WG-Gesucht or Airbnb, book a flight and take one week holiday to get comfortable in your dream destination. Then spend your free time learning something new and have an amazing time (instead of freezing in Berlin).
Come and join us if you want to escape Berlin this winter!
If all of the above makes sense to you I’d like to invite you to meet more freelancers and online entrepreneurs who want to escape Berlin this winter.
Simply said:
If you know more people who do the same, you are much more likely to take action and book the ticket.
The warm summer days are gone
Let’s move our office to the beach
Escape Berlin Event Details:
Date: Saturday 28.9
Time: 15:00 – 18:00
Short Presentation: “How to work and travel”
- What it’s like to move your office to places like Rio, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Bali
– including some of my favourite work and travel getaways from around the world. - Advice on trip preparation, safety, productivity, things to avoid and how to have an
amazing time when you arrive in a new destination from your first day.
Afterwards: Get together & Drinks.
Location: Mobilesuite Coworking
Registration is closed, but there might be a few spots left. Contact me directly if you would still like to join.
Who‘s coming ?
We are a mixed group of freelance web & graphic designers, affiliates, app developers, consultants and online entrepreneurs who want to explore many corners of the world this winter.
Some have travelled a lot while others are less experienced. I think we can all learn a lot from each other and it’s going to be fantastic.
Cost: Attending the event is free.
If you get a lot of value out of it, you are welcome to support the guide afterwards but I don’t expect you to do that.
P.S.: This is not another Berlin Start Up event. We won’t talk about business ideas. Instead it’s about work and travel, things you need to do before you leave and destinations you could visit.
P.P.S.: Today (26.9) is your last chance to sign up. We still have a few spots left. Would be great if you join us on Saturday as well!