March 16


10 Productivity Tips for Digital Nomad Newbies Starting in 2022


March 16, 2022

Digital nomads have unprecedented freedom — they can work anywhere, anytime. Without normal constraints, focus and productivity can be a challenge.

Here are the top 10 tips for digital nomad newbies in 2022.

1. Dividing Work Into Smaller Bursts

Burnout is a serious issue for anyone who works in long stretches. Many people find that their concentration improves when they work in short bursts rather than lengthy marathons.

2. Routine

Productivity isn’t a one-time choice; it’s a habit.

Nothing helps build a habit better than routine. Getting up at the same time each day is highly beneficial, as is blocking out specific times for work versus play.

3. To-do Lists

To-do lists are a classic productivity hack for a reason. They prevent you from forgetting vital tasks and allow you to prioritize.

To-do lists can even increase mental well-being. When someone makes a to-do list, they don’t have to juggle tasks in their head.

4. Avoiding Social Media and Phones

Social media and smartphones have a sneaky way of destroying productivity.

Some people get addicted to the dopamine hits of constant entertaining updates. Others struggle to step away from the keyboard when someone else picks an argument.

Either way, productive workers learn how to set these distractions aside.

5. Walking

Numerous studies indicate that walking improves more than just your health.

It also benefits concentration and motivation. Even relaxing strolls at slow paces can increase neuroplasticity and boost mood, improving work performance.

6. Calendars

Whether someone picks a calendar app or decides to go with a classic paper version, organizing tasks and plans by date is helpful.

To-do lists are fantastic, but they’re not sufficient. Lists don’t give a clear picture of when each task has to be completed or how much time is left.

7. Time Tracking

It’s easy to lose track of time, but that presents severe productivity risks.

Documenting how long it takes to finish tasks helps build a realistic routine. People who don’t track their time can become overly optimistic about when they’ll finish work.

8. Project Management Apps

Some projects are too complicated to manage entirely with simple tools like to-do lists and calendars. Project management apps, which allow users to drill down into the details of what each task requires, turn overwhelming goals into small, manageable steps.

9. Creating a Distinct Work Space

Compartmentalizing workspace and fun space aids concentration during work. It also helps you relax once you set your work aside.

Even when someone doesn’t have enough room for a literal office, placing a desk in a particular work-only corner can be enough. Heading to a library or cafe is also effective.

10. Making Time for Friends

Strong relationships benefit mental and physical health in myriad ways. Research indicates that healthy relationships correlate with life expectancy.

The deep emotional fulfillment of caring for others will keep you grounded and on track while you explore the world.

Remote work was previously an unusual alternative for rare circumstances, but COVID-19 made it mainstream. Countless people love skipping the office; it eliminates commutes, creates extra time for family, and more.


About the author

Content manager of WebWorkTravel magazine

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